Ambul Banana

Ambul Banana, also known as the Sour Banana or Sinhala Banana, is a tropical fruit celebrated for its distinctive tangy flavor and versatility. It is native to Sri Lanka and is highly cherished for its unique taste and numerous health benefits.



Ambul Banana, also known as the Sour Banana or Sinhala Banana, is a tropical fruit celebrated for its distinctive tangy flavor and versatility. It is native to Sri Lanka and is highly cherished for its unique taste and numerous health benefits.

Ambul Bananas have a slender shape and a vibrant yellow skin that turns black as they ripen. Unlike traditional sweet bananas, Ambul Bananas offer a tangy and sour taste that sets them apart. The flesh is firm and creamy, with a tantalizing balance of sweetness and acidity

The distinct flavor profile of Ambul Banana makes it a popular choice for culinary applications. It can be consumed as a refreshing snack or used in various dishes and desserts. Its tangy twist adds a unique dimension to smoothies, salads, chutneys, and even savory dishes like curries and stir-fries

In addition to its delightful taste, Ambul Banana also offers several health benefits. It is a good source of dietary fiber, which aids in digestion and promotes a healthy gut. The fruit is also rich in vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, potassium, and magnesium, which support overall well-being.

Embrace the tangy delight of Ambul Banana and explore its culinary possibilities. From satisfying your sweet and sour cravings to adding a zesty twist to your favorite recipes, this tropical fruit is sure to captivate your taste buds.